Monday, October 31, 2016

His Load

The Good Series, 3

I know a guy, very smart guy, great potentials, if you talk about being street smart he will tell you more than a couple of things about it, talk about head smart he is in a class of his own. If you need to crank out money making idea(s) in any area or put together a top-notch strategy for anything, this guy is your man. He also has contacts and when I say contacts I don’t mean ‘’any how’’ contact, I mean very solid contacts both in government and industry. He is what Fela called original hustler but a smart one.

But there is a problem, all his smartness, his contacts and smart hustling seem not to be bringing in much result, all he can show for everything is just a long list of activities and frustration. In summary he works like an elephant and hipo combined but feeds like a very little rat.

There is this other guy that said he has worked for money virtually everywhere and anyhow. In fact he said he has done it in alphabetical order – he has Asked for money, he has Begged for money, he has Clapped for money, he has Danced for money, he has done everything for money till Z. But still money refused to come near him talk-less of letting him touch it.

I know of another dude, in fact this one is my brother, The Holy Spirit started telling him a long time ago that he has called him to preach the gospel. First he pretended not to hear it and did all he can to run away from it. He succeeded for a while, but suddenly everything around and about him started turning around but in the negative direction – he lost his cars and all his money and suffering started for him and his family and I mean serious suffering.

After much suffering, with the help of the Holy Spirit he came to his senses and gradually started doing what he was told many years before. Today he is a successful shepherd of God’s flock, and life has become easy and beautiful for him and his family again. Now the guy is really ‘’balling’’ in the Lord.

A train is designed to run on a rail track, if any train decides intentionally or un-intentionally to leave its track that train is on its own. It will wreck itself and together with lives of other people.

If your situation is like that of the smart guy above or the one that has worked for money in alphabetical order, have you paused to think or consider that maybe you are not running on the track God has designed for you to run on. It is very possible that you are on the wrong track and if so, you will end up wrecking yourself and the people their destinies are attached to you.

If also you are like my brother that decided to run away from his calling for many years, do you wish to keeping on running till things become ‘’that’’ bad or you want to be forced like Jonah (Jonan 1:1-17) before you start to preach the gospel?

This is what the Lord Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30

28 “Come to Me, all of you who work and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Follow My teachings and learn from Me. I am gentle and do not have pride. You will have rest for your souls. 30 For My way of carrying a load is easy and My load is not heavy.” (New Life Version)

If you think you are on the wrong track or have been called to preach the gospel, today I plead with you, please come ‘’home’’, like the Master said ‘’he will give you rest’’. I have a good and a better news for you – the good news is that you don’t have to be a pastor to preach the gospel, no not at all (I know a lot of people that are running from it because they don’t want to be pastors)

The better news is that you can preach the gospel ‘’anyhow’’, what do I mean? I take myself as an example; I found out that I communicate better when I write than when I speak. So I decided to preach the gospel through writing like I do in the Good Series and am doing now, you can print tracks and distribute, you can record yourself and post on social media, there are many creative ways to do it and as you start the Holy Spirit will be teaching and directing you on how to do it better. Fortunately technology has given us a global platform; from the comfort of your room you can reach the entire world via the internet.

If you will sincerely ask the Holy Spirit today, He will surely direct you on how to go about it.

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You

Saturday, October 29, 2016

This Song

The Good Series, 2

When I was small, there was this song I love, not because I understand what they were saying, I couldn’t even make out what the lyrics where then. I was just in love with the cool slow tempo.

I stumbled on it very early this morning and I have listen to it more than five times since then and I can proudly inform you now that I got the lyrics. Below is part of it.

When the saints shall march to heaven

With Jesus as their leader

Marching on like soldiers

Yes able soldiers

They are singing and rejoicing

I can hear the sinner shouting, OH NO HAD I KNOWN

I got a call on Thursday and was told that some guy I know very well just died that morning. I asked the caller if the guy was sick, she said no that the guy was very healthy that in fact the guy attended a training course the previous day only to wake up that morning and died.

None of us knows exactly when death will come but one thing is very certain, it surely will come one day for each us and that day, maybe today or tomorrow. One day I will check out of this plane, one day you will check out of this plane.

When you close your eyes in death on this side of creation and open it on the other side, the side of eternity. Who will you see, will you see Jesus or will you be told ‘’depart from me you worker of iniquity’’. If you are not sure or scared of the answer, I plead with you today to do the right thing – accept Jesus Christ and experience the miracle of salvation.

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You

Don’t Dialogue With The Devil

The Good Series, 1

A very interesting and profound thing happened in the book of Genesis 3: 1-15, special emphasis on verses 8-15. Three characters were involved in that transaction that changed the destiny of mankind – Adam, his wife Eve and the Devil (serpent).

When God came in the evening, he asked Adam a question and waited for an answer, he also asked Eve a question and waited for an answer but when it got to the turn of the devil (serpent) he did not dialogue with him (he knew he will lie), he just told him what he needed to tell him.

The devil is a very old entity, he has seen and knows all the tricks and lies in the book, in fact he wrote them. When he introduces certain un-clean thoughts into your heart and mind, don’t dialogue with him, you may want to ask me why – because he can never ever tell you the truth, not because he wants to lie to you but because he hasn’t got the capacity to tell the truth, telling the truth is not in his nature, he doesn’t know what it is.

Once you try to dialogue with him, he will only tell you lies and deceit and am sure you know where those two always lead to. Don’t dialogue with him, just tell him what you need to tell him and shut him out of your heart and mind immediately.

This is what the bible said in Proverbs 4:23-24. I love how these 3 translations rendered it.

Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts. Never say anything that isn't true. Have nothing to do with lies and misleading words. (Good News Translation)

Keep vigilant watch over your heart, that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. (The Message Translation)

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Avoid all perverse talk; stay away from corrupt speech. (New Living Translation)

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

Your thoughts, drives your words, (out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks) your words controls your actions and your actions determines your destiny.

God Bless You