Monday, November 7, 2016


The Good Series, 5

Several people have given grace several definition, the popular one being that ‘’grace is un-merited favour’’. I tend to agree with it somehow, but that definition does not capture completely what grace is. Grace itself and not the word is beyond human comprehension

When someone gets employed in a company and after six months gets double promotion, while those that have been there for years are still in one place – that is Grace

When a hardened armed robber that has no regard for God talk less of man, get invited to a child dedication ceremony in a church and an altar call is made and somehow not out of his own will, he finds himself in front shading tears and giving his life to Christ  - that is Grace

In a family of nine children, eight has PhD and the remaining one refused to go to school, not even secondary school. The rest saw him as useless, a waste that will amount to nothing in life. Suddenly out of the blues he becomes the star, the financial pillar of the family. If a family meeting is called and this illiterate is late in coming all the PhD holders have to wait till he comes and if he does not show up that meeting has to be rescheduled and if any decision is taken in his absence, when he shows up that decision will either be changed or reviewed – that is Grace.

When a man is living in serious and un-tamed disobedience to God and his word but still anything that man touches turns into gold – that is Grace

When an armed rubber goes for operation every other night and returns home successfully – that is Grace

… and there is more to the list

But there is a ‘’but’’ in the matter – grace can expire, yes it can dry up. Many people are enjoying grace without knowing that it has a limit. Ezra 9:8 “But now we have been given a brief moment of grace, for the Lord our God has allowed a few of us to survive as a remnant. He has given us security in this holy place. Our God has brightened our eyes and granted us some relief from our slavery. (NLT) you can read it from verse 6

What makes grace to expire?

Taking God for granted can cause grace to dry up

Living in disobedience to God’s word can cause grace to dry up

Every act of disobedience to God or evil reduces the grace upon a man. Romans 6:1. ‘’What shall we say [to all this]? Are we to remain in sin in order that God’s grace (favor and mercy) may multiply and overflow? (AMPC)

What happens when grace expires?

When grace expires life becomes unbearable

When grace expires what used to work stops working

When grace expires, that armed robber that grace has been preserving his life to see if he will repent, will either get caught or killed

When grace expires life becomes miserable

What do you do when grace expires?

Wake up from your slumber, go back to God, and surrender your life to him and pray for him to restore back your grace. Then start living in obedience to his word

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You

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