Monday, November 14, 2016

The Church

The Good Series, 6

The church is the body of Christ (the body of believers) and not the physical structure where Christians go to worship. Some have said that within the body of Christ there are differences in teachings, thereby bringing about controversies in certain subjects.

Let me make it clear, the gospel of Christ we received is one and only one – the gospel of life. There is no problem or controversy in or with the gospel. I will tell you where the problem is – the problem is with a few of the preachers and teachers of the gospel.

These few have agenda different from Ephesians 4:11-13. Their agenda are personal and some self-servicing, so what do they do? They twist and bend the gospel to fit into their agenda. But you can know them, just place their teachings side-by-side with what the bible says and you will see discrepancies and at times complete fallacy.

The church is not just for perfect people, the reason we have preachers and teachers of the gospel is - ‘’for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’’ Ephesians 4:12 (KJV).

When we twist the gospel to further our personal agenda - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we start to import the values of the world into the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see or know of, sexual immorality in the church and we don’t address it - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see people that we know that their source of income is not very clear or questionable and we don’t call them aside to inquire, just because they are bringing money to the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see all sorts of anomalies in the church and we close our eyes to them or pretend that they are not there – are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

And for every one that is a member of the church, if you have been in the church for a while and your life is not challenging people around you to become better, then you are wasting you attendance to church. For those living in disobedience to God’s word to be comfort around you is an anomaly

Finally my brethren, the purpose of the church is to change us and get us ready for the coming of the Master, what is the use of being in church and then end up in hell with those that did not go to church at all?

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.
God Bless You

1 comment:

  1. Before the Church was the Synagogue. As Christ condemned the Synagogue so will God condemn the Church. The Synagogue was built out of Moses's message to "manage" people; so was the Church built out of Christ Message to "manage" the people.

    Managing people entails a lot of lies
