Thursday, November 3, 2016

This New Life

The Good Series, 4

Am sure you remember the account in the bible of the apostles, after receiving the Holy Spirit went about preaching the good news of Jesus Christ and healing sick folks.

Because of their teachings and the super natural things they were doing, many believed in the Lord and got converted. The people brought more sick folks for them to heal. It was recorded that even as Peter passes on the streets his shadow was healing the sick (just mere shadow, can you beat that?). The apostles became celebrities.

However because of their teachings, miracles and how highly the people regarded them. The high priest and his associates, the sad-ducees (sad dudes) got jealous. They arrested the apostles and put them in prison.

But the bible records that in the night an angel opened the door of the prison, brought them out and asked them to go to the temple and tell all the people about ‘’this new life’’. This is how the bible put it in Acts 5:20 –   Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people all about this new life. (NIV). You can read the whole account in Acts 5.

The bible said in 2 Corinthians 5:17. ‘’When someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begun!’’ (TLB)

This new life the tent maker talked about in 2 Corinthians 5:17 is the same new life that the angel asked the apostles to go tell all the people in Acts 5:20.

As a born again child of God, the father wants you to know that this new life in you now is not the natural life you got from your human parents when you were born into this world. That human life was replaced by divine life – the God life – the day you got born again. So you’re not just a mere man but a super-being, born into God’s class. You have to believe this because it is the truth.

Having this new life in you means that you are a super-being indeed; one that is superior to satan, sickness and disease and has authority over all the powers of darkness. The problem is that many people lack this knowledge, but God wants you to have this knowledge about yourself because this consciousness will affect the way you live your life and the decisions you make.

If you have confessed and believe the Lordship of Jesus Christ, this new life is what you have received into your spirit. And God wants you to be conscious of it every day and live the supernatural life, naturally.

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You

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